

May 5, 2014

Environmental Hazards: Do You Require Oil Tank Removal in Burnaby?

Oil Tank Removal in Burnaby Buried oil tanks are common environmental hazards. It’s estimated that over a thousand of these derelict tanks remain uncovered in properties all over North and West Vancouver. If you require oil tank removal in Barnaby or elsewhere in BC, West Coast Tank Recovery have qualified consultants and removal experts.


If you suspect you have a buried oil tank on your property, the next step is to confirm it. Luckily the actual detection has become easier. It isn’t necessary to perform disruptive excavations. Oil tanks can be located using ground penetrating radar (GPR). Once you’ve confirmed the presence of an oil tank, you will require a permit to get it removed.


As a property owner you have full responsibility for environmental hazards. You are compelled by law to remove them. Oil tank removal in Burnaby is a highly regulated field. West Coast Tank Recovery will contain any seepage and safely extricate any debris or contaminated soil. A licensed consultant will ensure your compliance with all civil and environmental regulations. The fines for non-compliance can be severe, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.


West Coast Tank Recovery ensures that all waste is properly disposed of and recycled. This includes the tank itself (which is cut up and cleaned) as well as any contaminated soil. West Coast Tank Recovery will provide filling for the site and any requested restoration. If you require oil tank removal in Burnaby, take the time and have it done right. Environmental contamination can affect the value of your property. Only a licensed consultant like West Coast Tank Recovery can provide the necessary removal certifications.
