

October 27, 2017

Common Questions Regarding Fuel Tank Removal in North Vancouver

Undergoing a fuel tank removal in North Vancouver is not a task with which many people are familiar. It is therefore understandable that a number of questions may arise, with several of the most widely asked questions answered in the post below.

Why Do I Need A Fuel Tank Removal?

In North Vancouver, along with a number of other areas, there is a problem with buried fuel tanks lurking under properties, often without the knowledge of the current homeowner. This can create a problem, as the fuel tanks will still contain potentially harmful substances, or traces of them, which can contaminate the surrounding area.

The major issue comes in when any damage caused by these fuel tanks is the liability of the property owner, whether they know of their existence or not. Consequently, fuel tank removal in North Vancouver is a serious business.

Is A Professional Required To Perform A Fuel Tank Removal In North Vancouver?

Conducting a fuel tank removal in North Vancouver is certainly a task that should only be performed by trained and experienced professionals. Not only is it dangerous to attempt this yourself, there is a great deal of equipment, as well as tools and knowledge, that is required to both locate and remove any buried fuel tanks.

How Can I Check For The Presence Of A Buried Fuel Tank?

Checking for the presence of a buried fuel tank is a specialized task, with only a small number of companies having the tools and experience to perform it. There are two major methods for searching for a fuel tank, with advanced metal detection and ground-penetrating radar both valuable options to use.

Following the location of a buried fuel tank, the same company will often provide a service for the fuel tank removal in North Vancouver, allowing it all to be completed in one process.

Will my property be returned to normal following the fuel tank removal in North Vancouver?

After finding the fuel tank, excavating, removing, and then disposing of it, the top companies offering fuel tank removal will then provide a backfill service to leave your property exactly as it was found before.

Further Questions

For those who have any further questions regarding the process of a fuel tank removal in North Vancouver, contact us today to learn more, and to book an appointment.