

June 1, 2015

How To Engage Oil Tank Removal in North Vancouver

Residents of the District of North Vancouver (DNV) should be aware of the guidelines for any issues relating to residential underground storage tanks, or RUST’s as they are known for short. Please note that the below information are only guidelines, and we strongly advise checking directly with the District of North Vancouver before acting on any of these suggestions.

Recommendations for Oil Tank Removal in North Vancouver

It is recommended by the District of North Vancouver that any residential underground storage tanks that are found on a domestic property and have not been used for two or more years consecutively should be removed. As well as being removed, they should also be subject to soil testing in order to ensure that no hazardous or potentially harmful substances have leaked out into the soil.

Although there are currently no bylaws that directly govern oil tank removal in North Vancouver, it is highly recommend for potential health and environmental reasons that they are removed.

District building permit issues

One problem that you may face if you do not engage in your oil tank removal in North Vancouver, is that if you apply for a district building permit then you are required to state if there are any residential underground storage tanks.If so, then you may be required to remove the tank before the permit is issued.

Hiring assistance for oil tank removal in North Vancouver

Once you have had your oil tank removal in North Vancouver completed, you should then contact the District of North Vancouver and advise their environmental department. Once providing them with the reports and other documentation, this information can then be used for future queries about the property.

It is important to safely store any information relating to the oil tank removal in North Vancouver, including receipts from contractors, details of any residue or contaminated water that may have been pumped from the tank, as well as the soil tests.

The owner of the property is subject to all of the costs with removing and decommissioning the residential underground storage tanks and, while you may wish to check with the District of North Vancouver for any changes to bylaws or policy, it is a recommended to remove the oil tanks as soon as possible to avoid any future problems.
