

September 6, 2019

Look into Oil Tank Removal in Vancouver

It doesn’t matter if you knew about it or not, if it is on your property, you are responsible for your oil tank removal in Vancouver. The damage that can be done to your home and your property and even your neighbourhood is scary, so the quicker you look into oil tank removal in Vancouver, the better it is for you and your home. If this is brand new to you, don’t worry, this has happened a lot in the last few years. Here is what you need to know about oil tanks and why they need to be removed.

Oil Tank Removal

Oil tanks used to be how homes were heated in the past. They were huge metal tanks that stood in the basement or were under the property. A company would come by in the fall and fill up the tank with heating oil and that is how the home remained warm in the winter. If the tank ran low, it would just be filled up again. If there was some left at the end of the cold season, it would remain in the tank, ready to be used next year. So, if you have an old house, there is a good chance you have an oil tank.

As gas and electric heating took over, oil tanks became obsolete. However, some still had a bit of oil left inside them. This substance in a tank that is slowly eroding is a dangerous combination. Especially if you take into consideration that some homeowners used the dormant tanks to dispose of other chemicals they wanted to get rid of in their homes. This means that there is a chance that your home has a rusting oil tank filled with a cocktail of chemicals ready to seep into the ground. If that happens, you are going to be held responsible, and that is why you need to look into oil tank removal in Vancouver.

If you have an older home and if you think there might be a chance that you have an oil tank under your property, you should call an oil tank recovery company like West Coast Tank Recovery. They will be able to come and scan your home to see if there is a tank somewhere underground. If there is, they will be able to remove it and fill your yard back up to make it look like you never had a tank in the first place.