

January 9, 2014

Oil Tank Removal for Safety Reasons

If you are living in a house with a hidden underground oil tank, it is like residing on a ticking time bomb. Hidden oil tanks, when left unattended for many years, rust and leak oil. These oil drippings spread and contaminate the soil with toxic elements. In addition, they reach the underground water. As you know, spread of such toxic elements may endanger human lives. It is therefore necessary to get rid of such hidden tanks as soon as you detect them.

Before the volatile content in a tank spreads, it should be removed by professionals. Oil tank removal companies in Vancouver are able to successfully deal with oil tank detection and removal of tanks in commercial and residential places. The reason why it is necessary to hand over the task to professionals, is that they use safe methods in removing these tanks. Moreover, they are licensed to take up the task and dispose of them in an environmentally-friendly way.

Whenever you see some signs of a dead spot in a grass or an oil patch on a wall, you should immediately seek oil tank detection companies to inspect and get rid of a tank if found. It is always advisable to get a buried oil tank removed and disposed of as soon as you find it, but there is a danger of damage to property while unearthing the tanks. However, professionals use various ground-scanning machines, to locate the tank and remove it with care, without damaging the property. Ignoring signs of hidden tanks is inviting a catastrophe.